Safety, as it should be, is first and foremost among PKF-Mark III’s (“PKF”) five Core Values.

PKF is, and will always strive to be, committed to employee safety throughout the construction process. From bid day to final completion, PKF strives to send its employees home to their families, safe, sound and proud of a hard day’s work.

PKF believes that its commitment to safety starts with the engineering and planning of the work as evidenced by the fact that PKF’s Safety Department participates with our project teams before the fieldwork even begins. Once the work begins, the PKF Safety Department provides continual safety education, inspection and monitoring by being present in the field on a daily basis.
PKF expects our employees to keep safety the primary focus. In this regard, PFK has instituted several initiatives over the years, including “Watch My Six” program geared toward instilling a need to be mindful of participating as a spotter when trucks and equipment are operating in reverse as well as our “Safety Together” initiative, which focuses on the principle that every employee must look out for their own safety as well as the safety of everyone else on the job.

In construction, the perspective of others not directly performing the work is critical in recognizing and mitigating hazards so that all of our employees go home safe every day. In addition to PKF’s Safety Department, PKF maintains a Safety Committee comprised of Safety Department personnel, Management, Supervision, and Field Personnel. On a monthly basis, this committee continues to provide a review of field conditions, incident assessment, risk analysis and explores new and current safety technologies available within the industry.